
Alarms + Notifications API starter & Example

- Added a new basic Alarms API and Notifications API starter template - Added a Pomodoro example template that leverages the Alarms API, Popup API, and Storage API

Sidepanel starter added

- Added basic Sidepanel starter template - Added React Sidepanel starter template - Added Vue Sidepanel starter template


Vue.js support added

Added 9 Vue.js starter templates (with more to come) Includes all the same dev scripts and environments as our React templates

Sentry error logging guide template added

- Guide template that shows how to add Sentry error logging to an extension - Supports logging in generic JS, background scripts, and content scripts

To-do List example extension added

- Example extension that allows easy tracking of day-to-day tasks - Built with React starter templates - Includes styled-components


ChromeExtensionKit is now ExtensionKit

- New platform to simplify starter and example template downloads - Addition of new templates - TypeScript variants for all React templates - Ground up rewrite of developement scripts to simplify and increase performance - Series of minor bug fixes

Upgraded to Manifest V3 + New Starters

- Upgraded all existing starters to Manifest V3 - Upgraded all existing example extensions to Manifest V3 - Added basic messaging starter - Added React content scripts starter - Minor updates to Ebook to reflect additions

Added new Basic Context Menu starter and example extension

- Added Basic Context Menu starter - Added an example extension that utilizes context menu and storage - Minor updates to Ebook to reflect additions

Updated scripts for React starters

- Updated Starters to React v17 - Ejected from CRA for more flexibility around Webpack config and dev scripts - Updated READMEs and package.json of React Starters to reflect new scripts

Added TypeScript support and Minor Ebook Updates

- Added TypeScript React Starter + instructions to convert others easily if needed - Added instructions and information regarding the upcoming showcase to the Ebook - Added information on how updates work with the kit for better clarity - Fixed a couple minor typos in the Ebook

New React starter and minor bug fixes

- Added new React starter template for popup + full page - Updated PDF to reflect new starter - Fix console warning with react-fully-loaded icons